At Smith-Sterling Dental Laboratories, we are experienced in completing your most challenging implant cases from start to finish. To best support your every need, we have created a dedicated full-service dental implant department of specially trained technicians to restore your cases.
As part of our implant services, we can provide you with not only a custom abutment, but also the final crown or bridge restoration for you case. Choose between a cement-retained restoration or screw-retained crown or bridge. Screw retention offers simplified delivery, a precise fit and ease of retrieval. For cementable restorations, an Inclusive® Custom Abutment is recommended for precise gingival margins, alignment with the soft-tissue anatomy and a lifelike emergence profile.
We offer a suite of restorative options, including BruxZir® Full-Strength Solid Zirconia, BruxZir Esthetic, IPS e.max®, Obsidian® Fused to Metal, Prismatik Clinical Zirconia™ and Full-Cast.